Monday, March 2, 2009


Ok so I've been on the dreaded shakes for a week now...I'd say Ive lost about 2kgs so far. Went to see the sports psysiologist yesturday and he wants me to do 4 weeks of 30 min walks per week then he is gona review it.Hes also sending a resistance program in the mail.

I feel ok, Not hungry but still feeling like some different foods and flavours. Have been living on home made avocado dip and carrots...yum my savior! Low joule jelly is also a good one for sweet lovers!! Ive been eating lots of home made vegie and lamb soup. Its a great fillerf if u are hungry at any time of the day as the veggies are "free" and I only eat the lamb chops in it if I havent had my 120-150 grams of meat yet. Sugarfree mints are ok to eat. I dont know why they don't tell u all this when u start the damn diet!! I had to ask about these other things.

Well its only 7 sleeps till my surgery. Had a big talk on the fone with my new friend who is being banded with me next Tues! I think Ive made a life long friend there!!!


  1. Congratulations. Your life has already changed. As much as you'll hate it...make sure to walk after surgery (at least 4 hours after) and then try and walk every two hours. I swear, it helped me tremendously and got rid of the trapped air and gas quicker.

  2. Hiya, noticed you are being banded one month to the day after me! Here's wishing you good luck and a speedy recovery its a very exciting time - you're in for the journey of your life!

  3. Hi ya, Today is March the 10th the day you were to be banded. I just wanted to wish you all the best and i look forward to reading all about your experience of it all.
    Take care and Congratulations on your surgery:)

    Cheers Tina:O)
